

Lifelong Learning and The Inner Call

Education is a crucial factor in everyone’s life in order to lead a productive existence. This process removes restrictions related to status, age and other phenomena. The need/demand for education is growing day by day as it contributes both to personal growth and to the development of the society.  

Toni Morrison says, “When you get these jobs that you have been so brilliantly trained for, just remember that your real job is that if you are free, you need to free somebody else. If you have some power, then your job is to empower somebody else.” 

Lifelong learning has numerous benefits, as the changes, which take place in society, require the individual to evolve constantly, which impulsively increases the need for lifelong learning.  

Alvin Toffler says, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”  

Lifelong learning is defined as the ‘ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated pursuit of information for personal or professional purposes. It not only improves a person’s competitiveness and employability, but also improves social inclusion, active citizenship, and personal growth. 

Lifelong learning not only connects us to our surroundings, but it also paves a way to live in the society. A leader does not simply manage things; he/she can also inspire, empower and motivate others around him/her. As a lifelong learner, it is more important to adopt and recognize the diverse elements of learning. 

Intellectual growth is a very essential growth. Learning stimulates intellectual curiosity and expands knowledge across various domains. It keeps your mind active, sharp, and engaged, and enhances critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. Continuous learning broadens your perspectives and allows you to explore new ideas, concepts, and subjects. 

Adaptability and resilience are essential for today's evolving world. Being a lifelong learner equips you with the skills and mindset to adapt to change and navigate uncertainty. Learning new skills, keeping up with emerging technologies, and staying updated on industry trends enhances your professional agility and resilience to face the challenges. 

Lifelong learning fosters personal growth and self-improvement. It enables you to develop new hobbies, interests, and talents, nurtures a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction. Learning can also deepen your understanding of yourself, improve self-awareness, and promote personal well-being. 

Continuous learning is instrumental in career development and professional success. Acquiring new knowledge, skills, and certifications enhances your employability and opens up opportunities for promotions, career transitions, and increased job satisfaction. Lifelong learners often stay ahead in their fields, demonstrating a commitment to growth and expertise. 

Embracing a mind-set of lifelong learning enriches your personal and professional life, enhances your well-being, and allows for continuous growth and development. It encourages a love for learning, exploration, and self-improvement, enabling you to adapt, thrive, and lead a fulfilling life. 


Lifelong learning knowingly or unknowingly, it develops the inner strength of the individual to sustain in the society. It enhances the self-esteem of the individual to find a purpose in life. Lifelong learning offers mental stability in order to get the focus to lead an exquisite life. Regular mental exercise through learning can lower the risk of cognitive decline and conditions like dementia. 

Learning new things promotes a state of flow and mindfulness, which can reduce anxiety, improve mood, and enhance overall psychological well-being. 

As you acquire new knowledge and skills, your self-confidence naturally grows. This increased self-assurance can positively impact your mental health by reducing self-doubt and fostering a positive self-image. 

Lifelong learning often involves interaction with others who share similar interests or pursuits. This creates opportunities for social engagement, networking, and forming new relationships. Social connections have been consistently linked to improve mental health, reduce the feeling of loneliness, and increase the life satisfaction. 

Remember, lifelong learning does not necessarily mean pursuing formal education. The key is to maintain a curious and open mindset, seeking opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills throughout your life. 



Life is beautiful when a person listens to the inner call. Learning makes the process purposeful and lifelong learning makes it even worthwhile leading a meaningful life. 

The inner call refers to the voice within us, the intuitive or instinctive feeling that guides us towards a certain path or decision. It is often associated with a deep sense of knowing or a strong gut feeling about what is right for us. 

Listening to the inner call involves paying attention to our inner voice and trusting our instincts and intuition. It means being attuned to it and allowing them to guide us in making choices and pursuing meaningful paths in life. 

Create moments of quietude and stillness to tune into your inner self. Engage in practices like meditation, mindfulness, or journaling to calm the mind and listen to the whispers of your intuition. Pay attention to your instinctive reactions and bodily sensations while making decisions. Trust the subtle feelings and hunches that arise within you, even if they may contradict logical reasoning. 

Your inner call often aligns with your passions and can guide you towards a path that resonates with your true self. While it is important to consider external advice and perspectives, remember to discern your own inner voice amidst the noise of others' opinions or societal expectations. Trust your own judgment and values. 

The inner call may not always provide a clear roadmap or immediate answers. It often embraces uncertainty and provide the courage to step into the unknown. Trust that the path will unfold as you listen and follow your inner guidance. 

Cultivate self-awareness to understand your thoughts, emotions, and motivations. By developing a deeper understanding of yourself, you can better distinguish between external influences and your inner voice. 

Listening to the inner call can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life, as it allows you to align your actions with your true desires and purpose. It may guide you towards personal growth, meaningful relationships, and the realization of your goals and aspirations.

About the Author 

R. SOLAISAMY is the Correspondent of PSR Engineering College, an academician with a vision to transforming the engineering education system into a system of nurturing world-class quality in human capital development, mutually with the development of intellectual and knowledge capital. 

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