

Entrepreneurial DNA: Do you have it?

Heres to the brave ones, to the ones who jump off the cliff and build their wings on the way down, and to the ones who are strong enough to reveal their vulnerability.

People say to successful ones, "You are so lucky, you got it all sorted out", but they dont know that behind that smile lies an untold story, filed with series of invisible challenges.

They juggle different roles, their mind bounces with ideas at a pace they cant handle, forget lunch, taking shower in the gym, sacrifice sleep, walk a mile to save some dough for that big dream, indulge in self-introspection, questioning their belief and wait for the time to turn around. Sounds pretty hellish, right?

Well heres the thing, its ok to them if they hit a few bumps along the way, and it’s ok to have a teary eye. Its ok not to wake up at 5 am and allowing sleep until they wake up naturally. Its ok to feel that everything might crumble. Its ok to fail.

WHY is that?

As they say, Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. What keeps them going is the drive, the determination, unusual ambition and an undying passion. For them, the joy is in creating something from the scratch, deliver something valuable to humanity and feel proud that they made a positive difference in peoples lives.

Their hope never runs out, no matter whatever the odds are.

Stay Humble, Hustle Hard!

About the Author

Anish is the Founder of Concepts Coach (Australia) and Train My Brain (India).

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